Monday, February 15, 2016

What is RADON and am I safe?

One of the many questions my buyers ask me when purchasing a home is whether or not they need to get a Radon inspection and why. Here is quick summary of just WHAT Radon is, and WHY it's important to have a home tested for it.

What is Radon? Radon is a gas that comes from decaying radium found in soil that surrounds a home. Radon cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, yet it's one of the most dangerous indoor pollutants there is, and high levels of exposure can be deadly. Radon enters the home through the basement and is generally distributed throughout the home by way of the heating and cooling system, it doesn't remain in the basement. Radon is measured in pico-curies (pCi/L), and a level of 4.0 or higher is considered unsafe.  

Why test for Radon? Radon is second only to cigarette smoke as the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. When breathed in, Radon causes lung damage and cell mutation, and when mutated cells multiply, cancer forms. If you live in a home that measures 4 pCi/L for a year, it's equal to being exposed to the radiation of 200 chest x-rays! Therefor, in order to protect your family from cancer-causing Radon, it's best to have your home (or potential home) tested and, if necessary, have it mitigated.

Home Buyers and Sellers can visit the EPA's Radon Resources for Home Buyers and Sellers or for more information on Radon visit

Ashley Hamerlinck is a licensed REALTOR® in Illinois and Iowa.  For more information email me at, visit my website, or find me on facebook.